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EnvironmentalResearchWeb Newswire #39
25.09.2014 00:00

Welcome to the environmentalresearchweb newswire. This week we bring you details of the Arctic river ice that's becoming less reliable, a rise in the amount of land growing crops for export, how local knowledge can minimize the impact of offshore wind farms, and more. Simply click on the headlines below to read the full stories.

Anthropogenic global warming threatens world cultural heritage
22 Sep, 2014
Marzeion and Levermann's inventory of the most vulnerable UNESCO world heritage sites under anthropogenic sea-level rise is a first step towards protection, says Anny Cazenave.

Switching from coal to gas may not cut carbon emissions
24 Sep, 2014
Only climate policies can reduce greenhouse gases from US electricity sector, says study

California dreaming – rights system allocates more water than available
23 Sep, 2014
State’s century-old water-rights system urgently needs reform, researchers find

Droughts help forecast wildfire activity months in advance
22 Sep, 2014
Pilot study could lead to earlier warnings for wildfires in southern Europe

Climate change report: prevent damage by overhauling global economy
19 Sep, 2014
Reducing emissions can generate better growth than old high-carbon model, says co-author of report, Lord Stern (from the Guardian)

Gulf Stream linked to ‘warm Arctic, cold Siberia’ pattern
18 Sep, 2014
Northwards shift in Gulf Stream alters jet stream to reduce sea ice in Barents Sea and cause cold winters in Eurasia



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