Welcome to the environmentalresearchweb newswire. This week we bring you details of the Arctic river ice that's becoming less reliable, a rise in the amount of land growing crops for export, how local knowledge can minimize the impact of offshore wind farms, and more. Simply click on the headlines below to read the full stories.
Eating less meat could save water 3 Sep, 2014 Diet change worldwide could save enough water to feed an additional 1.8 billion people
TV journalists help scientists confirm oil-spill model 2 Sep, 2014 Broadcast crew launch surface drifters at Old Harry geological site in Gulf of St Lawrence
‘Moderate’ geoengineering could help temperature in all areas 1 Sep, 2014 Moderate levels of solar radiation management would bring down temperatures across the globe but leave some areas with rainfall further from pre-industrial values
Global warming slowdown answer lies in depths of Atlantic, study finds 29 Aug, 2014 Excess heat being stored hundreds of metres down in Atlantic and Southern oceans – not Pacific as previously thought (from the Guardian)
Scientists create global roadmap for roads 28 Aug, 2014 Planning tool reveals areas where environmental damage from road construction outweighs potential benefits to food growth